For many in Texas, it's a hard pill to swallow. Antisemitism and white supremacy is seeing an increase and is a reality to many in the Lonestar State.
"We've lived a long life, we see it every day," said Holocaust survivor Bert Romberg.
Bert Romberg and his sister Magie Furst were part of the kindertransport and migrated to the U.K. They would later settle in the U.S. Both are in their 90s and concerned with what's happening in today's world.
"There were 6 million Jews that died and a million and a half kids like us," said Bert Romberg.

The fact people don't believe the Holocaust happened and that today's antisemitism is on the rise doesn't sit well with the brother and sister.
"They are crazy, all the evidence is there, I think that their minds must have been poisoned," said Magie Furst.
Numbers from the Anti-Defamation League show that in the U.S. there were over 56 hundred reported cases. 14 terrorist plots and attacks, four of those in Texas.
Overall Texas has seen over 500 cases of incidents, most of are propaganda.

The two say misinformation, lies, and propaganda are dangerous and have been victims of false tales. As children, they remember being told they were dirty and dangerous by children their age.
"But somebody told them, Jews are your enemy," said Bert Romberg.
Now at the end of 2022, he sees a parallel between those times compared to today.
"These people who do this are just criminalizing our society," said Bert Romberg.
He says that includes politicians, some in the music industry, and groups that spread conspiracy theories.

They believe the hate goes beyond those who are Jewish. They see it in the LGBTQ community, migrants, and race.
"It makes my skin crawl when I see how those poor people are treated at the border," said Maggie Furst.
The two remember being refugees and making their way into the U.S. and each time they see a news story it tends to bring that memory back.
"They're not coming here for fun, they are fleeing for their lives," said Maggie Furst.
It's hard to deny that people are fleeing horrible situations, according to Furst.
“They have no concern for humanity, none; it’s a money business,” said Jack Staton, acting special agent in charge for ICE Homeland Security Investigations El Paso. “They look at people as merchandise, as a way to make money."
The two who survived a genocide because of the Kindertransport that brought 10 thousand of Jews to safety, believe it's time to see people as human.
They believe that hate starts with our words and it comes from a lack of education.
As long as they can, they say their life is dedicated to spreading the truth about their life experience.