WACO, Texas — In December at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, former President Trump speaks. Outside the arena is a small group of supporters.
Some we spoke with say they believe in conspiracy theories, some believe the election was stolen and others don't trust the government.
What is QAnon?
QAnon believes that America is run by a group of pedophiles and Satan-worshippers who run a global child sex-trafficking operation. They believe former President Trump is the only person who can stop them.
The QAnon movement dates to October 2017 and supposedly comes from a 'high-ranking government official' who posted cryptic clues on 4chan and the even more unfettered site 8chan under the name "Q."
One in five Americans said they believe in the theories according to a recent poll from the Public Religion Research Institute.
"I am a proud Q patriot," said Mickey Larson Olson.
Olson who retired from the Air force is dressed from head to toe in red, white, and blue. She's outside a event in Dallas where Donald Trump spoke.
She believes that President Joe Biden is really not in office. Instead it's Actors James Woods and Arthur Roberts.
"I'm fighting for what God wanted for people all across the world," said Larson.
While at the event a group dressed in all black came up during our interview with Larson. A argument broke out about the COVID-19 vaccine.
"Where is Q? Where is JFK junior," one man dressed in black started demanding.
On the date that John F. Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas. Thousands stood waiting for the presidents son to appear. John F. Kennedy Jr. died over 22 years ago. The thought was he would appear and that he would become Vice President to former President Trump.
Families arguing over Q beliefs
"My family doesn't want to see the truth, I post stuff and send them stuff and they don't want to look at it, that's on them," said Larson.
On Reddit, there is a group called QAnon Casualties.
People who are struggling with loved ones that have Q beliefs post.

Story after story of families fighting because of different belief systems.
"Families not speaking to each other and not inviting them over for the holidays," said Dr. Jennifer R. Mercieca, Texas A&M professor, Department of Communication.
Dr. Mercieca studies communication when it comes to politics.
"What we have seen over the five, ten years even, with social media, we all have the ability to set the agenda," said Dr. Mercieca.
She says what's difficult about those who believe in conspiracy theories, it's not always easy to reason with them.
"Conspiracy theory is incredibility dangerous because it's a self sealing narrative and logic can not penetrate it," said Dr. Mercieca.
Once the theory is out there it's not easy to change peoples minds.
"Once it takes hold in a community it's hard to make it go away," said Dr. Mercieca.
Politicians and Q Beliefs

Over 40 candidates who publicly supported QAnon beliefs are running for national office in 2022, according to a tally by the liberal advocacy group Media Matters.
Five are from Texas.
- Jake Armstrong an Independent running in Texas’ 17th Congressional District.
- Ruben Landon Dante a Republican candidate running in Texas’ 14th Congressional District.
- Mayra Flores a Republican candidate running in Texas’ 34th Congressional District.
- Johnny Teague is a Republican candidate running in Texas’ 7th Congressional District.
- Samuel Williams a Republican candidate running in Texas’ 16th Congressional District.
Twelve are from Florida, nine are from California,three are from New York, New Jersey, and Arizona, two each are from Nevada, Illinois, and Ohio, and there is one each from Maryland, Rhode Island, Oregon, Tennessee, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Vermont, Alaska, Georgia, and Colorado.
The politicians have been knows to use the Q hashtags, post beliefs, and Jake Armstrong has pictures of himself at the Capitol on Jan. 6.
Americans justify violence for political beliefs
A Washington Post poll was published with alarming numbers when it comes to Americans believing violence is justified when it comes to politics.
23% of Democrats believe it's justified Compared to 41% of Republicans. For those who claim to be Independent, the number is 40%.
"Yes, we should be able to fight, that's what Americans do, it's time for us to remember that," said Larson.

QAnon is not the only movement and Law Enforcement Divided
FBI calls QAnon a domestic terrorist threat. ANTIFA hasn't received the title.
In 2020, FBI Director Christopher Wray argued that Antifa is “more of an ideology than an organization.”

National Police Association says " ANTIFA is Terrorizing Our Nation."

"So at what point does our federal government step up and declare that organizations like ANTIFA must be shut down?" said Sgt. Nancy M. Dowdy (ret.) "Some American cities are overrun with these “antifacist” groups, and many of these fractured communities are essentially declaring themselves independent of the federal government."

When protest took place in over 140 cities after the death of George Floyd, Then president Donald Trump wanted to label Antifa as a terrorist group. On May 31, 2020, he tweeted,“The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization.”
According to Center for Strategic & International StudiesAntifa—or anti-fascists—go back to the period after World War I, when German and Italian leftists worked together to fight fascist gangs in Europe.
"Many Antifa sympathizers do not support violence as the only—or even the main—instrument to oppose fascism, they do view violence as a legitimate option," According to CSIS
Group take issues into their own hands

A group called 'Oath Keepers' an American far-right anti-government militia started 2009 by Stewart Rhodes, 56, of Granbury, Texas.

Rhodes was an Army veteran. He was in a parachuting accident and had to leave the Army. He spent time as a firearms instructor, attended Yale Law School and worked as a legal clerk for an Arizona Supreme Court justice he became a trial lawyer but was later disbarred in 2015.

The United States Department of Justice says Rhodes along with 10 others were Indicted in Federal Court for Seditious Conspiracy and Other Offenses Related to U.S. Capitol Breach.
On Jan. 6, 2021, a large crowd began to gather outside the Capitol perimeter as the Joint Session of Congress got under way at 1 p.m. Crowd members eventually forced their way through, up and over U.S. Capitol Police barricades and advanced to the building’s exterior façade. Shortly after 2 p.m., crowd members forced entry into the Capitol by breaking windows, ramming open doors, and assaulting Capitol police and other law enforcement officers. At about this time, according to the indictment, Rhodes entered the restricted area of the Capitol grounds and directed his followers to meet him at the Capitol.
In September, an anonymous hacker released records purportedly taken from the Oath Keepers' web servers. The records show that current officers from New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago on the Oath Keepers membership roster.

What to do if a love one believes in conspiracy theories or if politics damage relationships.
Karen Douglas, PhD, is a professor of social psychology at the University of Kent in the United Kingdom said in a podcast with American Psychological Association says giving people the facts is the best.
"In some of our own research, we've actually found that it's quite effective to provide people with factual information, provide people with the facts," said Douglas.
"And this was particularly about vaccines before they're exposed to conspiracy theories, and then the conspiracy theory fails to gain traction."