NewsFirst to the Fight


First to the Fight: Elly Goldsmith

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25News is spotlighting people, First to the Fight, keeping the Central Texas community safe.

Waco dispatcher, Elly Goldsmith is doing just that.

She's worked every shift, spending more than 24 years answering the call for help.

"There are days that you get here and you don't know what your up against. Phones are busy," Goldsmith said.

No matter the situation, when desperation calls, communication is critical.

That means staying calm and composed even when callers are not.

"Sometimes it's very hard when you have people yelling, cursing, telling us to get the police over there. Well, we need to ask for information and get as much as we can," Goldsmith said.

Dispatchers get every detail -- are there weapons, what does the suspect(s) look like, what's the location, who is involved, is there immediate danger. Information that can literally save a life.

Some calls can be extremely difficult, Goldsmith said. But, the one thing that keeps her going is knowing she's helping others every way she can.

"I love helping people. That's what I love to do. I love to talk to people. I love to help them. I like to help the officers on the street. If they come over my channel and ask me for something, I do everything I can to help," she said.

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