
Insider tips on avoiding early voting lines

Posted at 10:05 PM, Oct 01, 2020

Texans have until the close of business Monday, October 5th to register to vote in the November presidential election.

Experts predict a big turnout for this one so many recommend taking advantage of early voting.

But you can just as easily find yourself standing in line for early voting as on election days.

We went looking for strategies to make help our vote go more quickly.

On the last day to register for the July runoff election, we met Jason Lenz, who wanted his voice heard and counted .

"I moved here about 3 years ago, just haven't registered so I've always been a voter so I wanted to get my name in the hat." he explained.

After that, came the decision on whether to vote early, or wait until election day.

McLennan County Elections Chief Kathy Van Wolfe highly recommends early voting.

"October the 13th and goes through October 30th. We have 3 weeks of early voting, 2 weekends of early voting, Saturday and Sunday." she said.

McLennan County offers 5 convenient locations for early voting.

And while Van Wolfe highly recommends early voting, she says we might not want to vote too early.

"I would encourage you to vote early but maybe not the first day because there are a lot of people going to be lined up waiting for the doors to open the first day to get it out of the way, so you may stand in line if you go the first day. But certainly the last two days of early voting are always busiest as well," she said.

You also might want to steer clear of very popular locations in favor of those less traveled and consider voting on the weekend.

"It's been a trend here in McLennan County that maybe Saturday and Sunday are not as busy as some of the other days," said Van Wolfe.

Even if you do run into a bit of a crowd, Van Wolfe says it's nothing compared to what we're likely to see on election day.

"You may stand in line on election day. It's a long ballot it's gonna take the voters a little bit of time to go through their ballot and make sure when you do cast your ballot you look at the summary page," Van Wolfe advised.

Because once you hit that "cast" button, there's no going back.

How did Jason Lenz handle the July runoff?

"I may go early, I haven't figured that out yet, but I'm definitely gonna vote."

He says he did vote early and found it a great time-saver.