

Central Texas school districts are moving forward with graduation

Posted at 6:05 PM, May 05, 2020

BRYAN, TX — As we approach the end of the school year there are still some unknowns for the class of 2020.

The biggest question is what will graduation look like?

Last month Bryan ISD announced the Class of 2020 will have the opportunity to walk across the stage at the end of June.

High school graduation is the highlight of everyone's senior year, especially Bryan High School's Class President Julianna Perez.

“I have really waited for my moment to be able to walk across the stage and my family to just scream my name," she said.

But when school was canceled for the remainder of the year, the class of 2020's graduation was in limbo.

“It’s like going back and forth you don’t know really what can happen,” says Perez.

Now it's May, and College Station and Waco ISDs are planning their course of action.

“There are so many things between now and then that still have to be determine on how those ceremonies look," explains College Station ISD Communications Director Chuck Glenewinkel.

In Killeen, school district officials say they're having a virtual graduation, something Bryan students pushed against.

“It’s really important for my family to just allow me to graduate across a stage now and not be virtual because we really want to be able to see that moment and see my friends graduate," explains Perez.

To help schools, during Governor Greg Abbott's Tuesday's press conference, the Texas Education Agency announced some guidelines.

“We are publishing today guidance that will allow high school graduations and in fact end of the year promotion ceremonies, so think kindergarten ceremonies to occur in schools subject to certain constraints," says Mike Morath the TEA Commissioner.

With these guidelines, Texas schools will be able to move forward with graduation plans with caution.