Non-essential businesses were ordered to shut down and people were told to stay home as part of the state’s response to stop the spread of COVID-19, but some have not been cooperating.
To date in Waco, code enforcement officers have answered 2,093 calls, and worked 171 complaints related to the order.
They have issued 9 citations, 7 were issued in the first week.
119 warnings have been issued by the Bell County Fire Marshals.
The Brazos County Sheriff’s Office has responded to 4 calls for service where the chief complaint was a violation of the shelter in place order.
All four of those calls were handled by educating/warning the individuals involved in order to gain compliance.
A violation of the shelter in place order is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 and/or jail time of up to 180 days.
If you see a violation, you're asked to contact your respective non-emergency number.