CORPUS CHRISTI, TX — Social media is in uproar over crowded beaches in Corpus Christi. The county judge said in order for the beaches to remain open, people will need to spread out.
Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales was well aware of how widespread attendance at beaches was over the weekend.
Canales said she visited the beach on both Saturday and Sunday to witness what she had earlier learned about via social media.
"Our beaches were jam-packed," Canales said. "It's not a secret because it's been on everybody's social media.
"It's very important for you to hear me say this. It's a great gift to have our beaches open. We want to continue to have that crown jewel of the Coast open. It's our right to have that. But we have to do our part ... The beach is there for enjoyment, but we have to spread out."
Canales said she has asked for a beach task force comprised of federal, state, city and county officials to maintain social distancing, adding that more access points are critical to allow better social distancing patterns in the future.
This story originally appeared on KRISTV