BRYAN, TX — Veterans are asking people to pause on March 29 to remember the lives lost during the Vietnam War.
National Vietnam War Veterans Day is March 29, but canceled events due to the coronavirus have derailed ceremonies previously planned to honor Vietnam veterans.
In Bryan, the National Vietnam War Veterans Day ceremony previously scheduled for March 29 at 2:00 pm at the Bryan Vietnam Monument was canceled.
"We wish that everyone can pause on that day and time and remember all those who answered the call of the Nation to sacrifice their lives in the Vietnam War and thank them by phone/email/social media, if possible," said Michael Griffith, President of VVA Chapter #937. "We urge all veterans and others to stay home, stay connected and join virtual ceremonies as available on TV or the Internet."
Griffith says they are grateful for all in military service, first responders and all medical professionals helping to battle COVID-19.