

How you can take part in the #ScreenTime challenge

Posted at 8:16 AM, May 02, 2019

It's a challenge that encourages you and your family to put down your phone and smell the roses. We're talking about the #ScreenTime challenge.

To participate in the challenge, users are making their average daily screen time public, then calling on one of their friends to do the same.


Here's how you can participate in the challenge:

  • Take a screenshot your screen time. (Use the image above for help if you don't know how.)
  • Share your screenshot (and your reaction) on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Share what you might do if you were able to get an hour back.
  • Tag a friend and challenge them to do the same!

ABC's Diane Sawyer will be doing a special report Friday on screen time usage. The special airs Friday at 8 p.m. right here on 7 ABC.

If you feel as if you've been on your phone a little too long, there are ways to curb that addiction. Both Android and iPhone users have options on their phones that will limit their screen time. You must also update your phone to have this feature.

7 Eyewitness News went to Chippewa Street and Niagara Square to talk with people about their screen time. Most people were shocked to find out how much they racked up in one day. Some people send 1-10 hours and even more on their phones a day!

But when asked if they considered themselves addicted to their phones many said they couldn't live without them and were hesitant to admit it.

Anne Constantino, Horizon Health President & CEO, said that many people that walk through the doors of Horizon Health searching for a reason for their anxiety, depression or feelings of isolation could be related to their screen time and dependence on technology. She says that phone addiction is not a disorder but it is like any other bad habit that could lead to addiction.

"Over use of anything like a drug, any behavior that causes consequences in your life is a proble and needs to be delt with," Constantino said.

Brad Loliger has even changed his screen saver to help him from checking and picking up his phone.

"To say well, what do you really want to pay attention to trying to remind yourself that maybe you don't want to look at this thing right now," Loliger said.

Will you be shocked at the amount of time you spend on your phone?