
Local family starts anti-bullying foundation after losing son to suicide

The Borak family is partnering with the Uvalde Foundation for Kids to start an anti-bullying campaign in College Station.

COLLEGE STATION, Texas — The Borak family, devastated by the death of their 17-year-old son, Trey, due to prolonged bullying and mental health struggles, are starting the STOPNOW organization in College Station.

  • Trey Borak's suicide in December 2022 was a result of extended bullying and relationship issues exacerbated by social media.
  • The Boraks are partnering with the Uvalde Foundation to create STOPNOW, an anti-bullying and mental health organization in College Station.
  • Through STOPNOW, the Boraks aim to offer support and raise awareness to prevent other families from enduring similar pain.
  • You can find more information about the STOPNOW campaign here.
  • The Borak family is raising money for a tombstone for Trey. If you'd like to donate, you can do so here.

Broadcast Script:

Months of bullying and suffering —

"It breaks my heart to know that for months my son was dealing with the most horrendous thing that most grown men cannot even, like, relate to. And he thought, I can handle it on my own," Barbie Borak said.

— leading to one moment's decision and a lifetime of pain.

"We stay in the same house because we feel him here," says Borak.

This is Dylan, Makayelynn and Barbie Borak.

"This is Mckenna. Can you say "hi" Mckenna?"

The Boraks lost their 17-year old son, Trey, to suicide in December 2022. Now, all they have are memories.

"Oh you were his favorite were you? Okay — I don't know about that one."

Barbie tells me her son's troubles started due to relationship issues that led to bullying.

"When our kids say to you mom, you don't get it. They're not lying. We don't get it. We didn't grow up in a world with social media and the internet and insanity," says Borak.

That's why they're partnering with the Uvalde Foundation to start an anti-bullying and mental health organization here in College Station, called STOPNOW.

"Just want to let people know that we're here. You don't need to trap in all these emotions. You can talk to people. You can talk to me. You can talk to the foundation. There are places to get help," says Dylan Borak.

With this new organization, they hope to raise awareness and keep other families from living through the pain they've experienced.