
Franklin City Council approves new safety protocols for Roland Reynolds Elementary


FRANKLIN, Texas (KRHD) — Roland Reynolds Elementary has added new safety protocols to help reduce school traffic and ensure a safer campus.

  • Franklin City Council approved of multiple new ordinances including: speed bumps, speed limit changes, no parking zones, and a cross walk.
  • Violation of these traffic regulations can result in a fine of up to $200.


Roland Reynalds Elementary has some updated safety policies to improve school traffic control.

"I think it's probably a good thing, you know, because there's a lot of traffic, because there's a lot of kids, you know, and a lot of new families who have moved in here, so, I think it's a really good thing," Administrative Nurse, Marty Lockhart said.

— and to ensure a safe and secure campus.

"We have a lot of kids that walk, their parents walk them to and from school, so it kind of helps with that and then being able to get to school safely," Physical Therapist Assistant, Logan Kyle said.

The City Council wasn't available for an interview, but they did provide15ABC with the ordinance that they established.

Speed bumps, no parking zones, and new speed limits are just a few of the many upgrades the school district is enforcing.

"I think that it's good because it keeps things a little bit more controlled and it cuts down on traffic," Kyle said.

15ABC drove around Franklin to try and talk to some neighbors about these safety upgrades when they ended up at the nursing home.

Marty Lockhart has a grandchild at Roland Reynalds.

She told15ABC she hopes these safety guidelines will help bring awareness to the neighbors in the community.

"I think it's a good thing moving forward, and it'll make people more aware, and we've got a lot of new people who are in this community, so, you know, it'll make a lot of newcomers aware and just provide more safety for the kids," Lockhart said.

15ABC also ran into Logan Kyle, who has two children in the school district.

She says she's happy Franklin is taking extra safety precautions, and is proud to be a part of this community.

"I think that we're doing a great job, and I'm honestly very happy and proud to have my kid in Franklin because, they're just really on top of their game when it comes to safety."