
City of Snook considers creating police department, residents react


SNOOK, Texas (KRHD) — The City of Snook is considering creating a police department to account for additional growth in the city.

  • Residents in Snook rely on the Burleson County Sheriff's Office in Caldwell, which often have higher response times.
  • The city wants a police department to cut response time and to enforce city ordinances ahead of more growth and development in the city.
  • The city set aside $40,000 in next year's budget to hire a chief and expects the process to take 3 to 4 years.


The City of Snook is considering creating its own police department, and some neighbors say the idea has its pros and cons.

"A lot of more people would feel a little bit more safe knowing that someone is right around the corner," Kelly Rodden, a resident of about 30 years, said.

Right now, the city relies on the Burleson County Sheriff's Office in Caldwell.

"I waited about 30 minutes, still didn't show up, maybe an hour later they finally rolled in, and in that moment, it was a safety situation," Rodden said.

Response times are something Mayor Frank Fields is trying to cut down, especially ahead of more growth in the city.

"We realize that as we grow, there will be more problems that come with it," Fields said.

Long-time resident Clarence Junek says he appreciates the city thinking ahead. But he doesn't think the time is now.

"I'm just more concerned with things like, what are they going to be looking for?," Junek said.

Fields says there's still some steps to take like finding a chief, meeting regulation and finding funds.

"I believe we've got 40,000 in this year's, the upcoming year's budget to potentially fund that position for approximately half a year… we'll probably start the search process around the first of the year," he said.

But Junek believes there should be a vote.

"I know people can't vote on every issue that comes before the council, but this is something entirely new and I think they ought to have input," Junek said.

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