MART, TX — Nikkey Rush Freeman has had her prayers answered after finding the kidney doner she'd been searching for was right in her hometown.
"It's a very very humbling experience to know that your life depends on the generosity of someone else" says Freeman.
Freeman was raised in Mart and has lived there for the last 39 years.
"Growing up in Mart, Texas, has wound up being one of the best blessings in the world." says Freeman.
Mart is a small town, where everyone knows everyone.
"I've been through a lot, my family has been through a lot. When I lost my son, this community was here for me." says Freeman.
Sadly, three years ago, Freeman got bad news from her doctors that her kidney's were failing and she would have to start dialysis treatment.
"It kind of a loss of freedom for my mom. Being on dialysis and tied to a machine has been really rough on her." says Savannah Freeman, daughter of Nikkey.
That's when the family began searching for a kidney donor.
According to, as of September of 2020, there are over 100,000 people on the National Transplant Waiting List. Sadly, 17 people die each day while waiting for a match.
"You prepare for the worst, but hope for the best." says N. Freeman.
The Freeman's family has a history of kidney disease, so no close family were able to be donors.
But little did they know her match would come in the form of a different family member; her daughter's former coach, Jerry Hoffman.
"Her daughter, Savannah, played for me in every sport that I coached here. I do feel like the people of Mart is part of my family" says former Coach, Jerry Hoffman.
Hoffman's brother is the survivor of a kidney transplant, so when she heard she could help Freeman, he knew her next victory would be on the operating table.
"We're all so connected that I feel like I'm not just helping Nikkey, but I'm also helping the community of Mart." he added.
Giving Freeman a new hope, as the surgery is just 2 weeks away.
"We just always surround each other in time of need, and so, for my donor to be somebody that I've loved and adored has meant so much to my daughter, and to my family just makes this the most special thing that anybody could do for me." she shared.
The operation is set to take place in Dallas Methodist Hospital on January 13th.