The Central Texas VA is looking for the public, veterans organizations, school children and others to send Valentine's Cards to veterans this year.
The National Salute to Veteran Patients gives people the chance to thank veterans for their freedom by sending Valentine's Cards to VA medical facilities.
CTVHCS says they extremely short on Valentine’s Day cards this year.
They may be sent to Voluntary Service (135) at Waco and Temple locations:
Doris Miller Department of
Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Attn: Voluntary Service (135)
4800 Memorial Drive
Waco, TX 76711
Olin E. Teague Veterans’ Medical Center
Attn: Voluntary Service (135)
1901 Veterans Memorial Drive
Temple, TX 76504
The VA is asking for cards to be sent to arrive by Feb. 12.
The public is also invited to join veterans at the Temple and Waco facilities on Feb. 14.
The National Salute to Veteran Patients in Waco will take place at Doris Miller Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center at 9 a.m. in the Strake Auditorium, Building 6.
The Temple event will be at Olin E. Teague Veterans' Medical Center at 1 p.m. in the Teague Tower, Building 163, Amphtitheater.
National Salute allows us to increase the community’s awareness of VA’s important role in providing medical care to our Nation’s Veterans and encouraging Americans to visit hospitalized Veterans and become volunteers. Nationwide, over 61,000 volunteers provide more than 9.2 million volunteer hours serving Veterans. Volunteers are a priceless asset to the nation’s Veterans and to VA.
“VA values the contributions of our volunteers, donors and partners in helping us keep the promise to America’s Veterans,” VA Secretary Robert Wilkie said. “These community resources confirm to our Veterans that we are a nation that cares and remembers their sacrifices every day.”
Last year, schools, community groups and youth organizations nationwide sent more than 109,000 valentines to VA medical centers, which were distributed to Veteran patients at facilities across the country. Additionally, more than 2,900 volunteers and 521 community organizations contributed to events and activities recognizing hospitalized Veterans.
For more information, call Voluntary Service at 254-743-2893