WACO, TX — Wheels of Waco is seeking a local charity to support for the holiday season.
"We're really looking for a community based charity that's here in Waco that helps distribute toys to families in need," said Matt Satterfield, one the founders of the group.
Started earlier this year, the group has grown exponentially, from under 20 cars to now over 150 per event," explained Satterfield.
Now with their mass momentum, the group hopes to find a charity to pair with and donate towards as the holidays approach.
"We're looking for a local charity to work with to send the toys to, so we're basically going to put together a car show for raising awareness and stuff for the community," said Satterfield.
The challenge at the moment, they don't have a charity lined up.
Hoping to find one shortly, Satterfield says the group's toy drive is coming up in the next two months.
"So that's what it's all about, is getting the car community together and do something good in the community of Waco."
If you know of a charity that would like to pair with Wheels of Waco, please write our station on Facebook.