BRYAN, TX — The American Legion Post 159 in Bryan held a Memorial Day Ceremony Monday morning.
Nearly 100 men, women and children gathered to remember those who served our country and made the ultimate sacrifice.
“This memorial service is for those that have fallen in the defense of our nation,” said Post Commander Tom Marty.
Memorial Day is a day to remember the men and women who served our country and are no longer with us.
"Memorial Day is about honoring those that we have lost over the years, and it’s not a barbecue,” says Commander Marty.
While many Memorial Day ceremonies were canceled due to the global pandemic, the American Legion Post #159 felt it was their duty to come together on this solemn day.
"It goes to the military tradition of protecting people and doing what is right. So, we wanted to make sure we did honor them today...that was very important to us,” says Commander Marty.
As we continue working to get through this pandemic, the American Legion is leading the way through this uncertain time.
"This might be the new normal, but we’ll overcome this as well as we have overcome any other threat that we’ve had; either war or disease, we will still overcome as Americans," says Edgar Morales, Staff Sergeant U.S. Army.
Sergeant Edgar Morales, and his wife who is also a veteran, brought their sons, Justice and Liberty to the ceremony.
Their names honor our country.
They said they want to instill in them the significance of Memorial Day
“It’s important to actually let them see firsthand the different generations that have served our country,” says Sgt. Morales.
Post Commander Tom Marty says it is important to have children attend the ceremony so they’ll understand what it means to live in the land of the free.
"Well honestly, if we don’t teach them than who will,” he said.
And only through learning, will history truly be preserved.
American Legion Post 159 wants to remind the community that today is truly about remembrance.