CENTRAL TEXAS — Dozens of U.S. service members, citizens, and others dead and were injured after the attacks at an airport in Afghanistan.
“It hurts for everybody, not just being a veteran. Right now, it hurts even more because of service members that are being killed their hands are tied behind their back,” said Local Veteran Eric Mojica.
Outrage and frustration from Central Texas veterans after watching the aftermath of the terror attacks outside the Kabul Airport in Afghanistan. The attacks left over a dozen U.S. soldiers dead and even more injured.
“To go out like that and to know what’s happening I just see that happen, it’s horrible,” said local veteran Damon Cleaton.
Over 100 Afghan nationals were also among the victims. Cleaton said during his 23-year career he made multiple trips in and out of the same airport.
“It wasn’t surprising to me. I’ve been through Abbey gate a few times. I’ve been down that road by the Barren Hotel,” said Cleaton.
Cleaton said the airport is a well-known danger area and believes the U.S. should have never publicly announced their plans to pull troops so quickly.
“I think people have gotten to that habit that is still a safe area. On the other hand, if you are giving people a timeline of when we’re going to get out of here and you know they are gunning for you it is probably not a good idea,” said Cleaton.
Combat veteran Eric Mojica believes they should have used a different airport.
“If you’re going to have evacuations happening at an airport it should've been at Bargam Airport where it's farther away from the city," said Mojica.
Mojica also believes that President Biden and national leaders aren’t doing enough.
“It is unbelievable and it’s unacceptable especially when you're the Commander in Chief, you should have more contingency plans. It should of never happened,” said Mojica.
He also believes the US-Taliban peace agreement cannot last. “Why are we trusting the Taliban? Why are we gonna trusting that they're going to do their part?”
Local veterans believe we should continue to evacuate troops, citizens and allies and use force if necessary.