Many of us can go inside and crank up the heat- when it gets chilly in Central Texas, but you do not have that option when you are homeless.
“There are warming shelters but not all of them get there in time. Being out in the elements there is not always a way out,” said Feed My Sheep Co-Director of Operations Casey Mooney.
Many in the homeless community have families with young children and little to nothing to keep them warm.
“Do you want every child to have a coat and be warm and safe,” said Temple Resident Allison Dickson.
That is why organizations like Feed My Sheep and even Temple residents like Dickson are collecting dozens of coats, gloves, sleeping bags and other winter items to help.
“Really anything could be used or directed to people that can use it for homeless children or at-risk children and their families,” said Dickson.
“If you saw a friend, if you saw a family member sitting in the cold you would give them a coat. You would give them something to keep warm. These are our family; these are our friends,” said Mooney.
Unfortunately, our friends without a home cannot reach into the closet and pull out a coat which is why they need several pairs of winter clothes.
“There are just so many things that we take for granted or we have not experienced. Sleeping outdoors stuff gets messed up, you lose stuff,” said Mooney.
Dickson said one donation could be lifesaving and let someone know they are not forgotten.
“Whatever I can do a little bit easier for neighbor and a stranger or a friend, I want to do that,” said Dickson.
To donate you can contact Allison Dickson and Feed My Sheep on Facebook: