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Deceased soldiers who served together reunited with bricks at Fort Hood memorial


FORT HOOD, Texas — The U.S. Army runs deep with pride and tradition and that especially goes for the 176-year history of the 3rd Cavalry Regiment.

History can lead to friendship as strong as family especially for friends who served together in the military.

It’s something current 3CR soldiers feel every time they visit the 3rd Cavalry Regiment memorial on post.

”This one is very personal to me because it keeps us connected to our families, Gold Star families, or other families of the veterans who have passed,” said MAJ Gabriela Thompson, 3CR Public Affairs Officer.

The memorial is a way to honor all those who served in the Regiment defending our nation in wars like the Mexican American War of 1847, Operation Desert Storm in 1991, to Operation Iraqi Freedom after 9/11.

”Many of them died in combat and we memorialize them here at a memorial and we also have veterans that have passed like Sergeant Major Sluss whose brick we placed today,” said MAJ Thompson.

Sergeant Major Sluss served as a retainment officer for 3CR alongside his battle buddy Sergeant First Class Menocal, who also passed away.

Now they are reunited at the memorial with their bricks side by side.

Those who served with them said it couldn’t be more fitting.

”Know that Sergeant Major Sluss and Sergeant Menocal worked together in the same unit, deployed together, having those bricks together next to each other puts them back together,” said Stuart Morgan, Retired 3CR Sergeant Major. “It puts that relationship back together.”

Seeing a brick laid at the memorial for Sergeant Major Sluss is an honor for those who are following in his footsteps.

”This is where we can come and honor and reminisce on why we do what we do,” said MSG Roberto Torres, 3CR Master Sergeant. “To honor people like him.”

Retired Sergeant Major Stuart Morgan who knew Sergeant Major Sluss and helped get the brick laid and the memorial, had a message to the friend he can no longer see.

”Thank you for your friendship and thank you for your dedicated and selfless service to this nation,” said Morgan.

Service that has led to two friends once again standing side by side, being honored with those who served in the 3rd Cavalry Regiment for the past 176 years