Hearne High School’s stadium is one of many projects the school district is hoping to begin repairing.
Wood Field is in desperate need of updates and repairs. Luckily, there are some miracles on their way.
There will be three phases to this fundraising project, totaling more than $5 million.
Sharon Pedroncelli, a community member, wants to pitch in for the efforts by giving up her own car as a raffle prize for the new stadium. She said student athletes deserve to be proud of where they play.
“We’ve had some of the kids write letters and some of the stuff that’s in the letters were, we pray for rain, so we wouldn’t have to play on our field," Pedroncelli said. "That to me is heartbreaking that kids have to feel like that and you just want to do something."
Pedroncelli and head football coach Ricky Sargent said it’s divine intervention that brought them to Hearne and to help kids.
“A lot of times these kids they need another outlet to come out here, once they have a track, a football field, and a soccer field, and a crowd, you’ll have more kids get involved with these activities,” Pedroncelli said.
Sargent, also the athletic director, said despite not having the best of facilities, the kids are doing some amazing work things and upgrades to the stadium improvements will help them to improve even more.
“I’m just so excited, I can hardly contain myself at times," Sargent said. "All it takes is someone to invest. We say, 'Together We Can,' and everyone can do that. That’s what we’re hoping that everyone will help us do and that is invest in this major project for some outstanding students."
You can donate towards the stadium by purchasing bracelets for a dollar or by using this link. The car raffle winner will be announced on Thursday afternoon, March 9.
Be sure to click the dropdown arrow for giving options and select youth development park and click Hearne Football Stadium in the select park dropdown arrow.

You can find more information about how to show your support here and additional details about the project here.