BRYAN, Texas — The B/CS Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the 9th Annual Founders Night [] event with title sponsor, The City of Bryan, on Friday, June 23 at The Stella Hotel from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Founders Night is a fun evening celebrating the establishment and development of our community. The event includes great food from local restaurants, casino games, music, and the company of fellow community members.

“The B/CS Chamber is excited to host the 9th annual Founders Night and celebrate calling Bryan/College Station “home”, said Hayley Bisacre, Manager of Business Development with the B/CS Chamber of Commerce.
“Our Chamber serves both Bryan and College Station proudly, and we know that our cities are home to some of the greatest businesses in Texas. Founders Night is an opportunity to meet business leaders, community members and city founders all while enjoying a good time at The Stella Hotel.”

If a business is interested in sponsoring the event, please reach out to Hayley Bisacre at or call (979) 260-5200. Tickets are on sale now at [].