

UIL concludes investigation into University High School football player

Posted 5:10 PM, Oct 05, 2018
and last updated 5:27 PM, Oct 05, 2018

The University Interscholastic League said they will not be pursuing further punishment for the football player involved in an incident during a football game.

A UIL Spokesperson released this statement regarding the investigation on Friday:

The District Executive Committee for District 5-5A met to discuss penalties related to the Waco University [High] vs. Burleson game on September 13. Waco University [High School] discussed the penalties issued by Waco ISD to involved players, and the DEC accepted these penalties. Since the DEC accepted the penalties issued by Waco ISD, the State Executive Committee will not meet on this case and the UIL investigation has concluded. Questions about the penalties issued should be directed to the district chair or Waco University.

After a freshman A-team football game on Sept.13 between University High School and Burleson High School, videos of the attacks went viral.

University High School player #76 is seen choking a player from Burleson High School and repeatedly slamming him into the ground.

Jennifer Gower's son, Jagger was the target of the attacks and will have to sit out at least three games due to a concussion.

As of Thursday, Jagger was cleared medically and will be able to play football at Burleson High School again after he completes the district 5-day return to play protocol.

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