

East Waco property owners invest in development and neighborhood


Waco has already committed to investing millions of dollars into sprucing up the Elm Avenue Historic District with new sidewalks and bike paths.

That’s prompted some people with the means to do some sprucing up of their own.

Linda Weaver has begun to clear her vacant lot in East Waco, one whack at a time, and eventually build a nice home on it. She’s encouraged by all the development and interest in the neighborhood along Elm Avenue.

"I am excited about the changes and improvement in the neighborhood and I appreciate the progress," said Weaver. 

But at the same time, she realizes the potential danger increased property values can bring.

"I am concerned though, about the current property owners and their taxes being increased, based on the commercial rezoning and all these things that are taking place," said Weaver.

She’s not alone, several people worry about getting priced out of homes they’ve lived in their entire lives as fancy new hotels and restaurants move in.

One of the biggest, just-announced development projects will happen at Martin Luther King Boulevard and Taylor Street. Two hotels will go up on vacant land right on East Waco’s doorstep.

A third hotel will fill land across Taylor Street.

At the same time, the neighborhood association wants developers to invest some of their tax incentives in the people here.

"We want them to agree that maybe some of the TIF funds will go into a community fund to improve our neighborhood," explained Jeanette Bell of the Northeast Riverside Neighborhood Association.

Improvements like Linda Weaver’s… hopefully paid by big-money developers.

"Do you think they’ll follow through? Yes, yes I really do believe that. We’re gonna hold ‘em to it," said Bell.

And as she whacks away at her field of weeds… Linda Weaver believes everything will work out.

"Am I hopeful that they’ll find a balance here? Uh, yes, yes we just have to pray to God and ask him what’s best," she said.

Meantime the Northeast Riverside Neighborhood Association plans to keep the pressure on the city and developers to keep their promises to East Waco, and not let development run wild, changing the character of the neighborhood.

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