

Engineering firm recommends four sites for new landfill

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An engineering firm that has been studying the potential sites for a new landfill recommended four locations to the city council on Tuesday.

During a work session, Walker Partners discussed it looked at 88 potential sites for the landfill and at first it excluded those located 15 miles from the center of Waco or that was located in floodplains, leaving 11 sites. Out of those sites, the firm recommended four.

The Old Lorena road location next to the current landfill was ranked first. The firm said its geology and its location, which allows for the shortest haul time, and its ownership by the city makes it the best option.

A group of residents has voiced its opposition to the Highway 84 landfill citing concerns about water and air quality. In addition, they believe the city does not plan to close the current landfill once the next one is built but instead expand it.  

Councilman John Kinnaird asked the firm to elaborate on the hydrogeology of the site.

“One of the main concerns has been addressed is the potential for threat for our water supply and for Lake Waco, is that a concern to our water supply,” Kinnaird said.

The firm responded it had no concerns regarding it impacting underground water supply and downstream water supply.

The three other sites, which Walker Partners said appeared to have an adequate geology, are located within 10 miles of Waco’s population center but are not listed for sale so the firm said eminent domain may be required.

The location of the three proposed sites were not shared during the open session. Public Works Director Chuck Dowdell said it was not in the city’s best interest to disclose that information. He said after they discuss those options, that information will be disclosed.

It is still unknown when the city will make the decision on where to locate the current landfill. It’s estimated the current one has seven to eight years before its capacity is exhausted.

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