A woman who was charged with raising money online for her infant's fake disease in last year was sentenced to eight years in prison on Thursday.
The Milam County District Attorney said the sheriff’s department filed two felony charges against 29-year-old Katelyn Carnline who raised money online for her child’s fake disease. The charges stem from an investigation by CPS and the Milam County Sheriff's Office.
The district attorney said that Carnline started an online web page to raise funds for her child that was suffering from a “rare genetic disorder.”
However, the press release said that the infant was 4 months old at the time and was being withheld food in order for it to appear that the infant was declining in health.
Carnline also lied to medical personnel about her younger child’s health, leading to unnecessary medical procedures in an attempt to raise money.
Before this investigation, the Brazos County Sheriff’s Office and CPS were investigating Carnline for an online webpage involving her older child. In this web page, she said that her child had cancer.
She still faces similar charges in Brazos County.
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