

Temple drinking water exceeds maximum contaminant level

and last updated

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has notified the the City of Temple that the drinking water being supplied to customers had exceeded the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for total trihalomethanes (TTHMs).

TCEQ says TTHMs are a group of volatile organic compounds that are formed when chlorine, added to the water during the treatment process for disinfection, reacts with naturally-occurring organic matter in the water.

The agency also warned that people who drink water containing trihalomethanes in excess of the maximum containment level over several years may experience problems with their liver, kidney, or central nervous systems, and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.

TCEQ added that customers do not need to use an alternative water supply, but if an individual has health concerns, they may want to talk to their doctor to get more information about any potential impacts.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has established the MCL for total trihalomethanes to be 0.080 milligrams per liter (mg/L) based on locational running annual average (LRAA), and has determined that it is a health concern at level above the MCL. Analysis of drinking water in your community for total trihalomethanes indicates a compliance value in:

Quarter four 2015                                          Quarter one 2016

1. 0.090 mg/L for DBP2-01                             1. 0.098 mg/L for DBP2-01

2. 0.093 mg/L for DBP2-02                             2. 0.103 mg/L for DBP2-02

3. 0.092 mg/L for DBP2-03                             3. 0.102 mg/L for DBP2-03

4. 0.083 mg/L for DBP2-04                             4. 0.093 mg/L for DBP2-04

5. 0.086 mg/L for DBP2-05                             5. 0.096 mg/L for DBP2-05

6. 0.085 mg/L for DBP2-06                             6. 0.095 mg/L for DBP2-06

7. 0.092 mg/L for DBP2-07                             7. 0.105 mg/L for DBP2-07

8. 0.089 mg/L for DBP2-08                             8. 0.099 mg/L for DBP2-08

According to a release, the City of Temple is taking the following actions to address this issue:

  • Optimizing the effective use of alternative disinfection for the removal of natural organic material prior to introduction into the treatment process flow stream.
  • Additional internal process sampling and system flushing on a regular basis will be used to determine best management practices.

"We will continue to treat and monitor all water continuously to insure our customers receive the highest quality of water available," said City of Temple Public Works Director, Nicole Torralva. "Water customers will receive an official notification by mail within the next few days.”

Anyone with questions concerning this notice, may contact Damon B. Boniface or Willie Childressat (254) 298-5940.

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